Blessed Robert Grissold Catholic Church

A Community based on Faith, Altar and the Word

Quick Links

Parish Registration Form
Regular Giving Form

Quick Links

Parish Registration
Regular Giving Form
Getting involved in Parish Life
If you want to be more involved in our vibrant community at Blessed Robert Grissold, there are a number of ways you can help out. Click on the icons to find out more
Enter the name for this tabbed section: Social Events
Attend or help out at one of our social events
These are a lot of fun, foster the spirit of community and are a great way to raise necessary funds for the ongoing maintenance of our church. You can find out more details by clicking on What's On? in the Quick Links to the left.
Enter the name for this tabbed section: Rotas
Join one of the many rotas
Our Rotas are central to keeping our church running and the more people involved in each rota, the less time is required. From being a church warden to making tea and coffee after mass, your help would be appreciated. Take a look at the Church Notice board or click on Rotas section of our website here to see the rotas in the Quick Links to the left and contact the organiser of any rota you would like to help with.
Enter the name for this tabbed section: Music
Join the choir or come and play a musical instrument
We are always interested in meeting new singers who would be interested in joining our choir or anyone who can play a musical instrument (including our organ!). If that sounds like you, click here to email us and select the Parish Music subject.
Enter the name for this tabbed section: Altar Server
Become an altar server
If you have made your First Holy Communion and would like to play an important part in our services, then join the growing ranks of our Altar Servers who assist our Priest at each Mass. Contact the parish priest using the Contact Us from the Quick Links to the left or click
Enter the name for this tabbed section: Regular Giving
Register your weekly offering through Gift Aid
If you are a tax payer, this allows the parish to reclaim the tax you pay on your offering. It costs you nothing except 5 minutes to complete a form but provides the parish with much needed additional income courtesy of the Inland Revenue.
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