| Title | Description |
04.10.2024 | St Francis Patronal | All are welcome to attend the Patronal Mass at 7:00pm on Friday 4th October. There will be refreshments served after Mass. |
01.10.2024 | Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at BRG | Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at BRG will follow the 7.00pm Mass every first Tuesday of each month, followed by Benediction at 8.00pm. All welcome. |
22.09.2024 | Father Hudson’s Care Collection | The Annual Parish collection for Father Hudson’s care will take place on 22nd September. This is a major fundraising event for the charity as the money raised goes to support their five themes: Homelessness, Older People, Disability, Children & Family and Refugees and Migrants. |
18.09.2024 | Job Vacancy | The Archdiocese is seeking to recruit an enthusiastic and experienced RICS Chartered General Practice Surveyor to join its Property Team. The key role of the Property Team is to provide advice and guidance for management of parish property, the school estate as well as manage all property held centrally by the Archdiocese. This is a permanent/full-time role. The application deadline is Wednesday 18 September. Please visit for details. |
17.09.2024 | Midweek Mass | Midweek Mass at BRG on Tuesday this week at 7pm |
15.09.2024 | BRG Church 30th Anniversary Celebrations (Parish Meal) | 2024 marks the 30th Anniversary of the opening of our Church. The first celebration will be on Saturday 28th September when we are planning a Parish Meal. It will be a Pork Supper with Entertainment! Bring your own drinks. The cost will be £10 adults, £5 for children. We will be collecting names and money after Mass on Sundays. Other planned events this year are: Mass with The Archbishop (date to be confirmed), Parish Quiz Night - 23rd Nov 2024 and a Youth Mass (followed by a party for the youth and children) – 24th Nov 2024 (Youth Sunday) |
15.09.2024 | Malawi Appeal for help | A very, very big thank you to all your support for the young girls in Malawi. Clare was overwhelmed with all the donations of knickers and asked me to thank you all for your kindness. Linda Chesshire. |
15.09.2024 | Second collection 15th September | There will be a Second collection on the 15th September for Catholic Evangelisation |
14.09.2024 | Celebration Mass for Fr Bernard McDermott’s Golden Jubilee | The celebration Mass for Fr Bernard McDermott’s Golden Jubilee is being held at St George & St Teresa Dorridge on Sat 14th Sept at 10am. If anyone is interested in attending, please give your name to Joe Martin for catering purposes. |
11.09.2024 | Parish Coffee Morning | The next Parish Coffee Morning will take place in the Narthex this Wednesday September 11th at 10:30am - tea, coffee, scones and cake in abundance - everyone welcome to join us. |
10.09.2024 | New Parish Clusters | It has been recommended that Parishes form new clusters with neighbouring Churches in order to offer mutual support, encouragement and to pool the many strong resources we have of skills and abilities. BRG has been clustered with Dorridge. The Parish Council will meet to discuss this on Tuesday 10th September after the 7.00pm Mass. |
01.09.2024 | The annual Pilgrimage to Harvington Hall | The annual Pilgrimage to Harvington Hall, Shrine of the English Martyrs, will take place on Sun 1st September 2024. This year the principal celebrant will be The Right Reverend Paul Gunter OSB, Abbot of Douai Abbey. Mass: 3.00pm. Confessions: 1.45pm – 2.30pm. It is essential that you bring your own chairs and packed lunch. |
18.08.2024 | New Lectionaries | We are required to purchase new Lectionaries in time for Autumn this year. The new Lectionaries come as a four-volume set and cost £695. Donations towards the cost or the purchase of a volume for dedication to a loved one would be very welcome. Please see Fr Frank if you are interested in contributing to the cost in either of these ways. Thank you |
18.08.2024 | Martyrs’ Walk | There will be a walk in commemoration of the Warwick Martyrs: Blessed John Sugar, Blessed Robert Grissold and Blessed William Freeman leaving from St Mary Immaculate Catholic church, West Street, Warwick at 2.30pm on Sunday 18th August 2024. |
18.08.2024 | Midweek Mass w/c 19th August 2024 | There is no weekday Mass this week whilst Fr Frank is on holiday. Please note that Thurs 15th August (Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary), is a Holy Day of Obligation |
18.08.2024 | Parish Office | Please be aware that Sara’s hours will reduce and vary over the school summer holidays. |
18.08.2024 | Save the Children ‘Café Jazz’ | This is a fundraiser for Save the Children next Sunday 18th August 2-4pm at the Old Hall, Temple Balsall. All welcome to drop in for tea/coffee, cake and traditional jazz performed by ‘Jazz on Tap’. Tickets only £6 (£1 for children). Pay on the door or call 01676 533181. |
11.08.2024 | Volunteer Rota Vacancies | A huge thank you to those parishioners who have put their names forwards for parish volunteering roles over recent weeks. We still do have some vacancies, including a new Treasurer, more people for the cleaning rota, volunteers for the Maintenance Committee and another editor for the rota for this weekly bulletin! For more information please contact Fr Frank at |
04.08.2024 | Scam Alert | There is a warning out that fraudsters are currently targeting people who have been on tours to religious sites, with a scam pretending to be from the travel company and asking for donations, claiming they have fallen on hard times. If you are approached like this or have fallen victim to it please report to the police at Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 or online at and report it to your bank |
16.07.2024 | Episcopal Ordinations | Please could we remember in our prayers this week Mons. Timothy Menezes and Canon Richard Walker as their Episcopal Ordination to become Auxiliary Bishops of Birmingham takes place on Tuesday 16th July at St Chad’s Cathedral. The live stream can be found at: |
All are welcome to attend the Patronal Mass at 7:00pm on Friday 4th October. There will be refreshments served after Mass.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at BRG will follow the 7.00pm Mass every first Tuesday of each month, followed by Benediction at 8.00pm. All welcome.
The Annual Parish collection for Father Hudson’s care will take place on 22nd September. This is a major fundraising event for the charity as the money raised goes to support their five themes: Homelessness, Older People, Disability, Children & Family and Refugees and Migrants.
The Archdiocese is seeking to recruit an enthusiastic and experienced RICS Chartered General Practice Surveyor to join its Property Team. The key role of the Property Team is to provide advice and guidance for management of parish property, the school estate as well as manage all property held centrally by the Archdiocese. This is a permanent/full-time role. The application deadline is Wednesday 18 September. Please visit for details.
Midweek Mass at BRG on Tuesday this week at 7pm
2024 marks the 30th Anniversary of the opening of our Church. The first celebration will be on Saturday 28th September when we are planning a Parish Meal. It will be a Pork Supper with Entertainment! Bring your own drinks. The cost will be £10 adults, £5 for children. We will be collecting names and money after Mass on Sundays. Other planned events this year are: Mass with The Archbishop (date to be confirmed), Parish Quiz Night - 23rd Nov 2024 and a Youth Mass (followed by a party for the youth and children) – 24th Nov 2024 (Youth Sunday)
A very, very big thank you to all your support for the young girls in Malawi. Clare was overwhelmed with all the donations of knickers and asked me to thank you all for your kindness. Linda Chesshire.
There will be a Second collection on the 15th September for Catholic Evangelisation
The celebration Mass for Fr Bernard McDermott’s Golden Jubilee is being held at St George & St Teresa Dorridge on Sat 14th Sept at 10am. If anyone is interested in attending, please give your name to Joe Martin for catering purposes.
The next Parish Coffee Morning will take place in the Narthex this Wednesday September 11th at 10:30am - tea, coffee, scones and cake in abundance - everyone welcome to join us.
It has been recommended that Parishes form new clusters with neighbouring Churches in order to offer mutual support, encouragement and to pool the many strong resources we have of skills and abilities. BRG has been clustered with Dorridge. The Parish Council will meet to discuss this on Tuesday 10th September after the 7.00pm Mass.
The annual Pilgrimage to Harvington Hall, Shrine of the English Martyrs, will take place on Sun 1st September 2024. This year the principal celebrant will be The Right Reverend Paul Gunter OSB, Abbot of Douai Abbey. Mass: 3.00pm. Confessions: 1.45pm – 2.30pm. It is essential that you bring your own chairs and packed lunch.
We are required to purchase new Lectionaries in time for Autumn this year. The new Lectionaries come as a four-volume set and cost £695. Donations towards the cost or the purchase of a volume for dedication to a loved one would be very welcome. Please see Fr Frank if you are interested in contributing to the cost in either of these ways. Thank you
There will be a walk in commemoration of the Warwick Martyrs: Blessed John Sugar, Blessed Robert Grissold and Blessed William Freeman leaving from St Mary Immaculate Catholic church, West Street, Warwick at 2.30pm on Sunday 18th August 2024.
There is no weekday Mass this week whilst Fr Frank is on holiday. Please note that Thurs 15th August (Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary), is a Holy Day of Obligation
Please be aware that Sara’s hours will reduce and vary over the school summer holidays.
This is a fundraiser for Save the Children next Sunday 18th August 2-4pm at the Old Hall, Temple Balsall. All welcome to drop in for tea/coffee, cake and traditional jazz performed by ‘Jazz on Tap’. Tickets only £6 (£1 for children). Pay on the door or call 01676 533181.
A huge thank you to those parishioners who have put their names forwards for parish volunteering roles over recent weeks. We still do have some vacancies, including a new Treasurer, more people for the cleaning rota, volunteers for the Maintenance Committee and another editor for the rota for this weekly bulletin! For more information please contact Fr Frank at
There is a warning out that fraudsters are currently targeting people who have been on tours to religious sites, with a scam pretending to be from the travel company and asking for donations, claiming they have fallen on hard times. If you are approached like this or have fallen victim to it please report to the police at Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 or online at and report it to your bank
Please could we remember in our prayers this week Mons. Timothy Menezes and Canon Richard Walker as their Episcopal Ordination to become Auxiliary Bishops of Birmingham takes place on Tuesday 16th July at St Chad’s Cathedral. The live stream can be found at:
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