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October is the month of the Rosary, a rich and complete form of prayer. In the first place it is “Trinitarian”. We begin the Rosary with the sign of the Cross as we invoke the Three Persons of the Most Holy Trinity: “In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.” We then recite the Apostles Creed, which calls to mind each of the Divine Persons in turn: “I believe in God the Father Almighty…and in Jesus Christ his only-begotten Son…I believe in the Holy Spirit”. And each decade of the Rosary concludes with the Trinitarian prayer: “Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit”. The Rosary is also Christ-centred, for the mysteries of the Rosary upon which we meditate are the mysteries of Christ’s life. And in every “Hail Mary” prayed, we honour Christ by saying: “Blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus”.
October is the month of the Rosary - a form of prayer which has been practiced and encouraged by saints and Popes down through the ages. More importantly, it is a prayer that has been urged by Our Blessed Lady herself. Mary appeared to St Dominic and instructed him to use the Rosary in combating heresy. In the apparitions in Lourdes in 1858, Our Lady appeared with the Rosary in her hand and recited it together with Bernadette. And in Fatima, in 1917, she appeared again holding the Rosary and encouraged the faithful to be diligent in praying the Rosary. It was at Fatima that Mary identified herself as “the Lady of the Rosary” and asked for the “Fatima prayer” to be said after each decade: “O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of Hell and lead all souls to Heaven, especially those in most need of your mercy.”.
The Gospel today presents us with a lesson in humility. Whilst the disciples were arguing amongst themselves about who was “the greatest”, Jesus was arguing for being “last of all” and “servant of all” and Jesus backs up his words with his actions, for that is exactly what he became. He washes his disciples’ feet, the work of a slave, and he dies the death of an outcast criminal. And he wants us to share in his way of humility because it is the way of the God who stoops low to gather us into his kingdom.
“Who do people say I am?” - This is the question posed to his disciples by Jesus in today’s Gospel. But more important is the question he poses to Peter: “But you, who do you say I am?” for this is a question posed to all of us too. So who is Jesus for us? Is he just a fine example of what it means to be a thoroughly decent human being or is there more to him than that? Is he, in fact, divine, the Son of God, the Second Person of God, the Most Holy Trinity made flesh? How we answer this question will determine how we respond to him and his message. It will deeply affect the way we live our lives, for if we truly believe that he is the Messiah and Son of God then why wouldn’t we make every effort to get to know him and his will for us and strive to live accordingly?
St. James reminds us in our second reading today that we should not have a higher regard for those who are well-dressed and well-heeled. For him such an attitude is incompatible with faith in the one who washed the feet of his own disciples and who said: “Anyone who wants to become great among you must be your slave.” Discrimination against the poor, or partiality towards the wealthy, is seriously at odds with the teaching of Christ who, though equal with God, made himself poor so that we might be rich.
Whilst people are often caught up with appearances, God looks on the heart. That’s why when He began His preaching Jesus said: “Set your hearts first on the Kingdom of God.” Like the Prophets of old Jesus calls for conversion of the heart rather than mere conformity to external standards and laws. This is not to say that the external customs and tradition of the Church are unimportant – far from it – The Christian faith is Incarnational. The Gospel of Christ is an affair of the heart that must be fleshed out in our daily life.
The Gospel reading today points up the vital significance of the Eucharist. The fundamental importance of the Eucharist for the life of the Church can be seen in the words of St Irenaeus: “Our teaching is in accordance with the Eucharist, and the Eucharist, in turn, confirms our teaching.” The Fathers of the Church perceived the Eucharist as the revelation and fulfilment of the entire mystery of the salvation of the world by Christ and therefore of the entire content of the Christian faith. No wonder, therefore, that the Catechism teaches that the Eucharist is the ‘source and summit of the Christian life.’
In today’s Gospel Jesus is teaching us what he wants us to know concerning the Eucharist and he says things that his followers find hard to accept. Nevertheless, this is his teaching and he insists that he is the “bread of life,” that “comes down from heaven,” that “anyone who eats this bread will live for ever,” and the “bread” he gives is his “flesh” which he gives “for the life of the world.” And Christ’s “flesh,” his Body, is the “bread from heaven” we feed on in the Mass today.
The journey to the God of life is not an easy task. We tend to get lost along the way and we are discouraged by the efforts we have to make. On their way to the promised land, the Jewish people turned against Moses - their difficulties made them yearn for a mediocre but familiar existence. Freedom frightened them, slavery being more familiar seemed more secure. This is the temptation of every believer and this is why Jesus says to his disciples: “Do not be afraid.”
After receiving Holy Communion, Mother Teresa prayed that God would give her the grace to radiate Christ to the people she moved among after being sent out from the Mass. This was her prayer: “Dear Jesus, help me to spread your fragrance everywhere I go. Flood my soul with your spirit and life. Penetrate and possess my whole being so utterly that my life may only be a radiance of yours. Shine through me, and be so in me, that every soul I come in contact with may feel your presence in my soul. Let them look up and see no longer me, but only Jesus!” In this prayer we can see what is at the heart of the Archbishop’s vision for the Diocese - the worship and prayer of the Eucharist, the source of our Christian life, forming us for mission, evangelisation and social outreach.
In the Gospel today Jesus says to his Apostles that they should come away to some lonely place all by themselves and rest for a while for there was so much coming and going that the Apostles had no time even to eat. So Jesus takes them off to a lonely place where they could be with Him by themselves. Jesus still invites us to find quiet and rest in His presence especially through Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Our Lord Jesus Christ is present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. He invites us, He is waiting, He is longing for us to spend time with Him. Coming to Him just as we are. Love lives with Jesus present in the Most Blessed Sacrament. Through this Sacrament Jesus shares with us all that belongs to Him.
The disciples had already responded to the Lord’s call to them to “Come” and follow him, now Christ commands them to “Go.” The kingdom of God is at hand and the call is urgent. They are instructed to travel light. They were not to rely on their own resources but on the bountiful providence of God. Their simplicity of life would help them to remain unencumbered by distractions and help them to stay focused wholly on their mission.
By referring to himself as a prophet in today’s Gospel, Jesus identifies himself with the long line of Old Testament prophets who suffered rejection or violence because of the unpopularity of their message. The failure of the people of his home town to accept him and his message anticipates the more general rejection of those who will hand him over to be crucified: “He came to what was his own, but his own people did not accept him.”
Today the Church celebrates the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul. Peter, the brother of Andrew, the Galilean fisherman who was called by the Lord to be the leader of the Twelve. Paul, the tent-maker from Tarsus, a Pharisee and a Roman citizen who was called to be the Apostle of the Gentiles. Jesus’ key question, addressed to Peter and the disciples in today’s Gospel, is addressed to all who are called to be Christ’s disciples. The key question is who Jesus is for us.
St Paul, in our second reading today, tells us that, “For anyone who is in Christ, there is a new creation: the old creation has gone, and now the new one is here.” St John in his Gospel puts it like this: “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born anew, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” Those in Christ have been given the power to be children of God, because they have been re-born, created anew, born from above - born not by natural generation, nor by human choice, nor by man’s decision, but of God. Such is the nature of our supernatural life in Christ - a life which is a light to the world. A life we need to nurture if we are to be effective in evangelisation and mission.
In today’s Gospel we hear Jesus telling Parables of the Kingdom. The first declares that the growth of the Kingdom resembles the mysterious process of nature; so too the growth of the Kingdom is equally mysterious, as God’s ways always are. A second parable, that of the Mustard Seed, stresses the enormous potential of the Kingdom in spite of its tiny beginning. A parable, from the Greek word meaning “laid alongside,” can be seen as an earthly story with a heavenly meaning.
The Gospel of Christ is something so radically good and new that it can be difficult to accept - even by those who are closest to Jesus. The Gospel today tells us that Jesus’ own relatives thought he was “out of his mind.” And others accuse him of siding with Satan and with those who oppose God. They do not have “eyes to see” or “ears to hear” and so his message seems like foolishness or worse - like blasphemy against God - Such is their blindness and deafness to the true God who lives and speaks in Christ.
Today’s feast turns our thoughts to the sacred mysteries of the Eucharist, and one of the peculiarities of the Eucharistic feast is that we, the Church, become the Body of Christ through our partaking of Christ’s Body and the consequence of our assimilation to the Body of Christ is that, like Christ, we become spiritual food for the life of the world, to be broken, given away and consumed. The Eucharist makes the Church, by making the Church Eucharist.
We are not to approach God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, one God in three Persons as a mathematical puzzle or a philosophical problem but, rather, as the Divine community of love whom we are called to know and enjoy for ever, for the one God, who has revealed Himself as Trinity, has made us for himself - to know and enjoy him forever. That is why, in and through sacred mysteries which we celebrate in the Eucharist, he gathers us to himself so that, by grace, we might share in the life and love of the Most Holy Trinity for ever.
Today the Church of God throughout the world celebrates the Solemnity of Pentecost. It is God’s Spirit who inspires us to obey God’s commandments. All who love God experience the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit. He counsels us and reminds us of what Jesus has said. The Holy Spirit produces love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility and self-control. As we thank God today for the gift of his Holy Spirit let us pray that our Christian discipleship manifests these fruits of God’s Spirit
The Gospel today invites us to celebrate the mystery at the heart of our salvation: God longs for us to be united with him, and with one another, in love. The readings from John typically rejoice at the Good News that we are truly loved by God - the God who is love. And God’s great love is revealed most powerfully in the life death, resurrection and ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ and is made truly present in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar.
Jesus calls us to follow his example in choosing to give ourselves in love, even when it hurts for this is the kind of love that mirrors God’s love. Authentic love is about self-giving - this cannot be accomplished in our own strength - but we can choose to try, confident that our efforts will be backed by God’s energetic and all-conquering love.
Through the Eucharist we make our home in Christ who describes Himself in today’s Gospel as “the true vine.” He is the “vine” and we are the “branches” which feed on His life in and through the miracle of the Mass. The Mass is vital to the Church’s mission and evangelisation, indeed, as St John Fisher once stated “When someone observes with attention the periods of spiritual flourishing of the Church and the times of degeneration as well he must realise this: the cause of degeneration in the Church is almost always the negligence and abuse of this most holy Sacrament of the Altar. On the opposite side however he will notice this: the times of genuine reform and the flourishing of the life of the Church were always preceded by a tender devotion to this most holy Sacrament.”
Today is World Day of Prayer for Vocations. We pray for an increase in vocations to the priesthood, diaconate and religious life and that all believers will be faithful to their baptismal vocation. To follow Christ is to love him, to trust him, to serve him and to do his will - which is also what it means to be faithful to our vocation. Christ, the Good Shepherd, tells us that his sheep follow him “because they recognise his voice.” We have to learn to distinguish the voice of the one true God from the voices of the many false gods and idols which call to us today.
The consequences of the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ do not end with Easter Day. For those for whom the power of the Resurrection was a first-hand experience, it affected the rest of their lives. Today we remember that the Resurrection was a dynamic and transforming experience for the friends of Jesus and we pray that it may be so for us also.
Today is Divine Mercy Sunday. Humankind not only receives and experiences the mercy of God, but is also called to practice mercy towards others. “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.” It is to this end that we receive the transforming Spirit of God - the Holy Spirit, who through the power of God’s great loving mercy, transforms our interior life in order that it might radiate outwardly and be a transforming power in the world.
Christ has risen. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all the joy of Easter. Today, with the Holy Church of God throughout the world, we proclaim and celebrate the truth which is foundational to our Christian faith, that on the third day Christ rose from the dead. And Christ, the Risen One, does not depart from us but returns to greet us with his peace and to remain with us until the end of time. And we share his peace and rejoice in his presence in the Mass.
Holy Week begins today and it is the most important week in the Church’s calendar. Holy Week opens with Palm Sunday when we carry palm crosses in procession to commemorate the Lord’s entrance into Jerusalem. During Holy Week we celebrate the Easter Triduum, comprising the liturgies of Holy Thursday, Good Friday and the Easter Vigil (on Holy Saturday evening). The liturgy of Holy Thursday commemorates the institution of the Eucharist at the Last Supper, also there is the Washing of Feet in remembrance of our Lord’s example of humble service. On Good Friday we celebrate the Lord’s Passion and venerate the Cross. The wonderful liturgy of the Easter Vigil is celebrated on Saturday of Holy Week with the blessing and preparation of the Easter Candle and the celebration of Our Lord’s Resurrection. The celebration of Easter Sunday completes the celebrations we have prepared for during Lent. These sacred liturgies shine forth as the high point of the Church’s year. The Paschal Triduum is at the heart of all that it means to be the Church and we owe it to ourselves as Christians to be present at these key moments in the life of the worshipping community, for the sacred mysteries, which we celebrate on these three days, are not only the most beautiful liturgies of the Church’s calendar, they are also the axle on which the rest of the liturgical year turns.
Jesus calls us to serve him and follow him - to conversion. To turn away from sin - from all that harms our relationship with God and with our neighbour and to turn toward him, to serve him, do his will, to be faithful to our baptismal vocation. Conversion is a gift from God, won for us through the sacrifice of Christ and we must ask for it through fervent prayer in order that we might know the power of Christ’s Resurrection working in our lives.
Today is Mothering Sunday and so we give thanks to God for our mothers and for all who are mothers in our community. May God bless you in your high calling, remembering that the greatest of the saints, Our Blessed Lady, was, like you, a mother and that through loving devotion to her calling attained to the heights of holiness.
The Father loves and liberates but in today’s Gospel we see how his house can become ‘a market place’ where people are exploited. Jesus’ protest and rejection of the trading taking part in the Temple affects powerful interests: the interests of those who have replaced God (without denying God openly) by greed, which Paul calls ‘idolatry.’ Paradoxically, this subtle and insidious substitution is often justified by religious arguments. None of us is immune from this. The Gospel today invites us to examine our conscience both at the personal level and as members of Christ’s Church. Through Christ we are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Lent is an opportunity for us to cleanse the temple of our lives from all that harms and diminishes us and those around us.
Today in the Gospel we hear how the apostles Peter, James and John were given a glimpse of Christ’s glory on the Mount of the Transfiguration - the same glimpse of glory that we are all given when we gather for the Mass, for in and through the sacred mysteries of the Eucharist we ascend to the heavenly places where, with Angels and Archangels and all the host of heaven, we worship the Beloved Son of God who sits at the right hand of the Father. God, the Holy Spirit, gathers us into the cloud of his glory. We listen to him in the scriptures. We feed on him in the Sacrament of the altar. No wonder the disciples “kept silence.” “Master, it is wonderful for us to be here.”
Today is the First Sunday of Lent, the season when the Church prepares for Easter, the greatest of her celebrations. During the season of Lent we are encouraged to grow in the life of Christ and to deepen and strengthen our relationship with God. The Church leads and assists us in this through encouraging our participation, in an ever more intense and fruitful way, in the liturgies of the Church and in penitential celebrations. In order to aid us in our Lenten endeavours I have arranged for instruction, devotions, times for meditation and prayerful reflection (please see details below) and there will be opportunities for people to make their confession.
At the time of Jesus, lepers were treated as social and ritual outcasts. They were not welcome in society or in the Temple. Therefore the leper in today’s Gospel makes a bold move in approaching Jesus. Jesus makes him “clean” enabling him to be accepted as part of the worshipping community and revealing to us how God, in Christ, is reconciling the world to himself. No one is outside the welcoming love of God.
The healings and exorcisms of Jesus are a visible manifestation that the Kingdom of God is breaking into and conquering the world - that all things are being made new in and through Christ. The Gospels see illness as part of our fallen human condition which Jesus comes to heal and make whole.
In Mark’s Gospel Jesus’ first miraculous work is an exorcism whereby he casts out an ‘unclean spirit’ - a demon. By this action Jesus’ announcement of the coming of God’s Kingdom becomes perceptible and concrete. Throughout the public ministry of Our Lord, Mark shows Jesus progressively dismantling the powers of darkness as he advances his assault on Satan’s kingdom. Those who witness Jesus’ words and actions are astonished for he teaches with authority. Also, it should be noticed that the presence of Christ draws the evil spirit out into the open. In the presence of Jesus the grip of evil on the man comes to light and he cries out in rage, challenging Jesus encroachment on the demon’s formerly uncontested territory. St Leo XIII wrote the following prayer to strengthen us and to gain the Archangel’s protection in the spiritual battle against the Devil and his evil influence.
In today’s Gospel reading we see how Jesus begins his public life with an exhortation to repent because the kingdom of heaven, or in Mark’s version the kingdom of God, is at hand. This warning prompted by love is addressed to all, for no one is without sin. Yet no matter how many wounds our human nature has sustained, we are never justified in giving way to despair, for the Lord, in his great love for us, pours out his compassion abundantly on all who need it.
Today’s Gospel conducts us to the River Jordan. This was the holy place where first century Judeans expected to see the Messiah come. It was also at this place that the people, long ago, crossed over into the promised land. Today’s story finds us here at this holy place, where John the Baptist is proclaiming Jesus to be the Lamb of God - the One who takes away the sins of the world, the One we are to follow.
Today, with the holy Church of God throughout the world, we celebrate the great Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord. Epiphany means “manifestation” and it was made manifest to the Magi, who were led from afar by a bright star, that Jesus came, not just for the people of Israel but for everyone. This feast draws us away from the temptation to confine the mystery of the Christmas celebration to our own private world and interests. For the Church, Epiphany is a call and a challenge to never become narrow and inward-looking but to remember that, as the baptised, our vocation is to be a light for all people.
The Feast today reminds us that God’s revelation and the outworking of his loving purposes takes place in the context of human families. In today’s readings we see how God begins a new work in the world through Abraham and Sarah, in the Old Testament and through Mary and Joseph, in the New Testament. Both couples faithfully trusted in God’s promises and saw them come to fulfilment - such is the faithfulness and mercy of God.
Parish Events
| Title | Description |
26.10.2024 | St Margaret Clitherow Pilgrimage | On 26 & 27 October, including visits to the Shrine of St. Margaret Clitherow, her relics at the Bar Convent and the place of her execution. All welcome. For information and itinerary please see https://bookwhen.com/youngcatholicadults-yorkpilgrimage2024 |
26.10.2024 | Save the Children: Quiz night | Save the Children Quiz night will be held on 26th October at 7.30pm at St Peter’s Church Hall. Tickets are £14 per person including a supper of jacket potatoes (with a choice of fillings). Teams of 6 people. Tickets available from Linda Chesshire - telephone 07974932386. |
17.10.2024 | Prayer Group | Meeting fortnightly, starting 17th October at 4.00 pm at BRG for prayers or quiet contemplation and possible discussions of our faith. Suggestions as to format, times and structure are welcome. |
10.10.2024 | Marie Sylvia Rymer (RIP) | Please pray for the soul of Marie, whose funeral service takes place here on Thursday 10th October at 2pm. Please also pray for her family and friends |
09.10.2024 | Parish Coffee Morning | The next Parish Coffee Morning will take place in the Narthex on Wednesday October 9th at 10.30am - tea, coffee, scones and cake in abundance - everyone welcome to join us. |
08.10.2024 | Save the Children: Coffee morning | Save the Children Coffee morning will be held on Tuesday 8th October from 10am onwards in the Jordan room at the back of Berkswell Church. There will be a card stall and jigsaws and books for sale. |
08.10.2024 | Midweek Mass | There will be a Mass at Blessed Robert Grissold this Tuesday at 7pm – Intention Becky Hulme (RIP). |
07.10.2024 | National Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Our Lady of Fatima | St. Marie’s in Rugby will be welcoming The National Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Our Lady of Fatima, and Relics of Ss Jacinta & Francisco Marto on Sunday 6th and Monday 7th October, the Feast of our Lady of the Rosary. Everyone is welcome. Please see the noticeboard for details. |
06.10.2024 | 100 Club | Stefan Hunka and Ken Higgins will be collecting subscriptions after mass today and next Sunday |
06.10.2024 | Parish Supper | Thank you everyone who supported our Parish Supper last Saturday, and for all the help in making the evening such a success. We also made a profit of £333! Thank you all. Pam and Joe |
06.10.2024 | BRG Church 30th Anniversary Celebrations (Parish Meal) | 2024 marks the 30th Anniversary of the opening of our Church. Archbishop Bernard Longley will celebrate mass in our church on Sunday 3rd November, Parish Quiz Night – Saturday 16th November (please note this is a change of date) and Youth Mass (followed by a party for the youth and children) – 24th November 2024 (Youth Sunday) |
06.10.2024 | CAFOD Harvest Family Fast Day | This year’s Harvest Family Fast Day is on Friday 4th October. Please return your donations for Friday’s CAFOD Family Fast Day today or next Sunday. You can also donate online at cafod.org.uk/envelope. Your generosity is much appreciated. |
06.10.2024 | Thanks from Claire Leyland | My grateful thanks to all those who helped by collecting knickers for teenage girls in Malawi. I was able to send 608 pairs. It was great to get support from our surrounding parishes. |
04.10.2024 | St Francis Patronal | All are welcome to attend the Patronal Mass at 7:00pm on Friday 4th October. There will be refreshments served after Mass. |
01.10.2024 | Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at BRG | Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at BRG will follow the 7.00pm Mass every first Tuesday of each month, followed by Benediction at 8.00pm. All welcome. |
22.09.2024 | Father Hudson’s Care Collection | The Annual Parish collection for Father Hudson’s care will take place on 22nd September. This is a major fundraising event for the charity as the money raised goes to support their five themes: Homelessness, Older People, Disability, Children & Family and Refugees and Migrants. |
18.09.2024 | Job Vacancy | The Archdiocese is seeking to recruit an enthusiastic and experienced RICS Chartered General Practice Surveyor to join its Property Team. The key role of the Property Team is to provide advice and guidance for management of parish property, the school estate as well as manage all property held centrally by the Archdiocese. This is a permanent/full-time role. The application deadline is Wednesday 18 September. Please visit https://www.birminghamdiocese.org.uk/Pages/FAQs/Category/jobs for details. |
15.09.2024 | Second collection 15th September | There will be a Second collection on the 15th September for Catholic Evangelisation |
14.09.2024 | Celebration Mass for Fr Bernard McDermott’s Golden Jubilee | The celebration Mass for Fr Bernard McDermott’s Golden Jubilee is being held at St George & St Teresa Dorridge on Sat 14th Sept at 10am. If anyone is interested in attending, please give your name to Joe Martin for catering purposes. |
11.09.2024 | Parish Coffee Morning | The next Parish Coffee Morning will take place in the Narthex this Wednesday September 11th at 10:30am - tea, coffee, scones and cake in abundance - everyone welcome to join us. |
10.09.2024 | New Parish Clusters | It has been recommended that Parishes form new clusters with neighbouring Churches in order to offer mutual support, encouragement and to pool the many strong resources we have of skills and abilities. BRG has been clustered with Dorridge. The Parish Council will meet to discuss this on Tuesday 10th September after the 7.00pm Mass. |
01.09.2024 | The annual Pilgrimage to Harvington Hall | The annual Pilgrimage to Harvington Hall, Shrine of the English Martyrs, will take place on Sun 1st September 2024. This year the principal celebrant will be The Right Reverend Paul Gunter OSB, Abbot of Douai Abbey. Mass: 3.00pm. Confessions: 1.45pm – 2.30pm. It is essential that you bring your own chairs and packed lunch. |
18.08.2024 | New Lectionaries | We are required to purchase new Lectionaries in time for Autumn this year. The new Lectionaries come as a four-volume set and cost £695. Donations towards the cost or the purchase of a volume for dedication to a loved one would be very welcome. Please see Fr Frank if you are interested in contributing to the cost in either of these ways. Thank you |
18.08.2024 | Martyrs’ Walk | There will be a walk in commemoration of the Warwick Martyrs: Blessed John Sugar, Blessed Robert Grissold and Blessed William Freeman leaving from St Mary Immaculate Catholic church, West Street, Warwick at 2.30pm on Sunday 18th August 2024. |
18.08.2024 | Midweek Mass w/c 19th August 2024 | There is no weekday Mass this week whilst Fr Frank is on holiday. Please note that Thurs 15th August (Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary), is a Holy Day of Obligation |
18.08.2024 | Parish Office | Please be aware that Sara’s hours will reduce and vary over the school summer holidays. |
18.08.2024 | Save the Children ‘Café Jazz’ | This is a fundraiser for Save the Children next Sunday 18th August 2-4pm at the Old Hall, Temple Balsall. All welcome to drop in for tea/coffee, cake and traditional jazz performed by ‘Jazz on Tap’. Tickets only £6 (£1 for children). Pay on the door or call 01676 533181. |
11.08.2024 | Volunteer Rota Vacancies | A huge thank you to those parishioners who have put their names forwards for parish volunteering roles over recent weeks. We still do have some vacancies, including a new Treasurer, more people for the cleaning rota, volunteers for the Maintenance Committee and another editor for the rota for this weekly bulletin! For more information please contact Fr Frank at fr.frank.smith@rcaob.org.uk |
04.08.2024 | Scam Alert | There is a warning out that fraudsters are currently targeting people who have been on tours to religious sites, with a scam pretending to be from the travel company and asking for donations, claiming they have fallen on hard times. If you are approached like this or have fallen victim to it please report to the police at Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 or online at www.actionfraud.police.uk and report it to your bank |
16.07.2024 | Episcopal Ordinations | Please could we remember in our prayers this week Mons. Timothy Menezes and Canon Richard Walker as their Episcopal Ordination to become Auxiliary Bishops of Birmingham takes place on Tuesday 16th July at St Chad’s Cathedral. The live stream can be found at: https://www.stchadscathedral.org.uk/. |
07.07.2024 | Urgently needed – New Treasurer | From the end of the month, Mike Fairbrother will be standing down as Treasurer. We therefore urgently require a new treasurer to step forward. The Parish cannot function without a treasurer. Full training and support will be given. Our thanks to Mike who has completed more than one stint in this role and has proven to be an invaluable member of our community |
07.07.2024 | Parish Coffee Morning | There will be no Parish Coffee morning this month, or next, due to summer holidays. We hope to be back to normal in September. |
07.07.2024 | Banbury & Warwick Deanery | First meeting of the Deanery Pastoral Council (DPC) meeting – Weds 8 May 2024: Over 40 lay representatives and parish priests/ deacons met for the first meeting in Bicester. The minutes are available on the Deanery website (address at the end of the newsletter). Meanwhile, the main agenda item was around the grouping of the parishes into 5 possible clusters, known as Leamington, Rugby, Bicester & Banbury, Stratford and Kenilworth. It was agreed that the representatives of the parishes on the Deanery PC should meet with the parish priests before the next meeting on 19th September, to discuss the proposed clusters, recommend any improvements and share how parishes within the cluster can support each other in fulfilling the Diocesan Vision. |
07.07.2024 | Urgent need for volunteers | There is an urgent need for volunteers to come forward to assist the small team who are currently managing all aspects of Church maintenance, finance, hall hire, cleaning etc. We would be so grateful to anyone who can offer their time or skills to lighten their load. Many thanks to those who have responded to this call. If anyone is still interested, please email Fr Frank at fr.frank.smith@rcaob.org.uk if you are able to help |
06.07.2024 | Marriage | The marriage of Michael and Heather will take place at BRG on Saturday 6th July. Please pray for Michael, Heather and their families at this joyous time. |
04.07.2024 | General Election 2024 | Please see https://www.cbcew.org.uk/election24/ where you will find information and guidance on key issues of importance to us, as Catholics, to help inform how we vote |
04.07.2024 | SVP and CAFOD working together in the run up to the General Election | As Catholics, we know that tackling poverty and injustice are among the most important issues politicians should act on. St Vincent de Paul Society and CAFOD have produced a guide for Catholics for the Election, with suggested questions to ask candidates. Please see cafod.org.uk/encounter or svp.org.uk/encounter for more information. |
30.06.2024 | Message from Maureen Carroll | Maureen has some religious artefacts and books in boxes in the Narthex that she is no longer in need of. Please help yourself - all donations for HCPT will be gratefully accepted. |
27.06.2024 | Closing of Deanery Visitations Meeting | Canon John would like to invite you all the Closing of Deanery Visitations Meeting which will commence with Vespers at the church of the Immaculate Conception, Bicester, OX26 1UN, followed by a meeting in the St John Paul II Centre (next door to the church) on Thursday, 27th June at 7pm. His Grace Archbishop Bernard Longley and Episcopal Vicar Canon Paul Fitzpatrick will report on the current parish visitations taking place in our Deanery. |
16.06.2024 | Confirmation Commitment Mass | Today is a ‘Commitment Mass’ for the young people of our parish who are currently preparing for Confirmation. We welcome our candidates together with their parents, families and friends as they make their commitment to their ongoing preparation for Confirmation later in the year. Please keep them in your prayers as they deepen the understanding of their faith and prepare for this important Sacrament. |
On 26 & 27 October, including visits to the Shrine of St. Margaret Clitherow, her relics at the Bar Convent and the place of her execution. All welcome. For information and itinerary please see https://bookwhen.com/youngcatholicadults-yorkpilgrimage2024
Save the Children Quiz night will be held on 26th October at 7.30pm at St Peter’s Church Hall. Tickets are £14 per person including a supper of jacket potatoes (with a choice of fillings). Teams of 6 people. Tickets available from Linda Chesshire - telephone 07974932386.
Meeting fortnightly, starting 17th October at 4.00 pm at BRG for prayers or quiet contemplation and possible discussions of our faith. Suggestions as to format, times and structure are welcome.
Please pray for the soul of Marie, whose funeral service takes place here on Thursday 10th October at 2pm. Please also pray for her family and friends
The next Parish Coffee Morning will take place in the Narthex on Wednesday October 9th at 10.30am - tea, coffee, scones and cake in abundance - everyone welcome to join us.
Save the Children Coffee morning will be held on Tuesday 8th October from 10am onwards in the Jordan room at the back of Berkswell Church. There will be a card stall and jigsaws and books for sale.
There will be a Mass at Blessed Robert Grissold this Tuesday at 7pm – Intention Becky Hulme (RIP).
St. Marie’s in Rugby will be welcoming The National Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Our Lady of Fatima, and Relics of Ss Jacinta & Francisco Marto on Sunday 6th and Monday 7th October, the Feast of our Lady of the Rosary. Everyone is welcome. Please see the noticeboard for details.
Stefan Hunka and Ken Higgins will be collecting subscriptions after mass today and next Sunday
Thank you everyone who supported our Parish Supper last Saturday, and for all the help in making the evening such a success. We also made a profit of £333! Thank you all. Pam and Joe
2024 marks the 30th Anniversary of the opening of our Church. Archbishop Bernard Longley will celebrate mass in our church on Sunday 3rd November, Parish Quiz Night – Saturday 16th November (please note this is a change of date) and Youth Mass (followed by a party for the youth and children) – 24th November 2024 (Youth Sunday)
This year’s Harvest Family Fast Day is on Friday 4th October. Please return your donations for Friday’s CAFOD Family Fast Day today or next Sunday. You can also donate online at cafod.org.uk/envelope. Your generosity is much appreciated.
My grateful thanks to all those who helped by collecting knickers for teenage girls in Malawi. I was able to send 608 pairs. It was great to get support from our surrounding parishes.
All are welcome to attend the Patronal Mass at 7:00pm on Friday 4th October. There will be refreshments served after Mass.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at BRG will follow the 7.00pm Mass every first Tuesday of each month, followed by Benediction at 8.00pm. All welcome.
The Annual Parish collection for Father Hudson’s care will take place on 22nd September. This is a major fundraising event for the charity as the money raised goes to support their five themes: Homelessness, Older People, Disability, Children & Family and Refugees and Migrants.
The Archdiocese is seeking to recruit an enthusiastic and experienced RICS Chartered General Practice Surveyor to join its Property Team. The key role of the Property Team is to provide advice and guidance for management of parish property, the school estate as well as manage all property held centrally by the Archdiocese. This is a permanent/full-time role. The application deadline is Wednesday 18 September. Please visit https://www.birminghamdiocese.org.uk/Pages/FAQs/Category/jobs for details.
There will be a Second collection on the 15th September for Catholic Evangelisation
The celebration Mass for Fr Bernard McDermott’s Golden Jubilee is being held at St George & St Teresa Dorridge on Sat 14th Sept at 10am. If anyone is interested in attending, please give your name to Joe Martin for catering purposes.
The next Parish Coffee Morning will take place in the Narthex this Wednesday September 11th at 10:30am - tea, coffee, scones and cake in abundance - everyone welcome to join us.
It has been recommended that Parishes form new clusters with neighbouring Churches in order to offer mutual support, encouragement and to pool the many strong resources we have of skills and abilities. BRG has been clustered with Dorridge. The Parish Council will meet to discuss this on Tuesday 10th September after the 7.00pm Mass.
The annual Pilgrimage to Harvington Hall, Shrine of the English Martyrs, will take place on Sun 1st September 2024. This year the principal celebrant will be The Right Reverend Paul Gunter OSB, Abbot of Douai Abbey. Mass: 3.00pm. Confessions: 1.45pm – 2.30pm. It is essential that you bring your own chairs and packed lunch.
We are required to purchase new Lectionaries in time for Autumn this year. The new Lectionaries come as a four-volume set and cost £695. Donations towards the cost or the purchase of a volume for dedication to a loved one would be very welcome. Please see Fr Frank if you are interested in contributing to the cost in either of these ways. Thank you
There will be a walk in commemoration of the Warwick Martyrs: Blessed John Sugar, Blessed Robert Grissold and Blessed William Freeman leaving from St Mary Immaculate Catholic church, West Street, Warwick at 2.30pm on Sunday 18th August 2024.
There is no weekday Mass this week whilst Fr Frank is on holiday. Please note that Thurs 15th August (Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary), is a Holy Day of Obligation
Please be aware that Sara’s hours will reduce and vary over the school summer holidays.
This is a fundraiser for Save the Children next Sunday 18th August 2-4pm at the Old Hall, Temple Balsall. All welcome to drop in for tea/coffee, cake and traditional jazz performed by ‘Jazz on Tap’. Tickets only £6 (£1 for children). Pay on the door or call 01676 533181.
A huge thank you to those parishioners who have put their names forwards for parish volunteering roles over recent weeks. We still do have some vacancies, including a new Treasurer, more people for the cleaning rota, volunteers for the Maintenance Committee and another editor for the rota for this weekly bulletin! For more information please contact Fr Frank at fr.frank.smith@rcaob.org.uk
There is a warning out that fraudsters are currently targeting people who have been on tours to religious sites, with a scam pretending to be from the travel company and asking for donations, claiming they have fallen on hard times. If you are approached like this or have fallen victim to it please report to the police at Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 or online at www.actionfraud.police.uk and report it to your bank
Please could we remember in our prayers this week Mons. Timothy Menezes and Canon Richard Walker as their Episcopal Ordination to become Auxiliary Bishops of Birmingham takes place on Tuesday 16th July at St Chad’s Cathedral. The live stream can be found at: https://www.stchadscathedral.org.uk/.
From the end of the month, Mike Fairbrother will be standing down as Treasurer. We therefore urgently require a new treasurer to step forward. The Parish cannot function without a treasurer. Full training and support will be given. Our thanks to Mike who has completed more than one stint in this role and has proven to be an invaluable member of our community
There will be no Parish Coffee morning this month, or next, due to summer holidays. We hope to be back to normal in September.
First meeting of the Deanery Pastoral Council (DPC) meeting – Weds 8 May 2024: Over 40 lay representatives and parish priests/ deacons met for the first meeting in Bicester. The minutes are available on the Deanery website (address at the end of the newsletter). Meanwhile, the main agenda item was around the grouping of the parishes into 5 possible clusters, known as Leamington, Rugby, Bicester & Banbury, Stratford and Kenilworth. It was agreed that the representatives of the parishes on the Deanery PC should meet with the parish priests before the next meeting on 19th September, to discuss the proposed clusters, recommend any improvements and share how parishes within the cluster can support each other in fulfilling the Diocesan Vision.
There is an urgent need for volunteers to come forward to assist the small team who are currently managing all aspects of Church maintenance, finance, hall hire, cleaning etc. We would be so grateful to anyone who can offer their time or skills to lighten their load. Many thanks to those who have responded to this call. If anyone is still interested, please email Fr Frank at fr.frank.smith@rcaob.org.uk if you are able to help
The marriage of Michael and Heather will take place at BRG on Saturday 6th July. Please pray for Michael, Heather and their families at this joyous time.
Please see https://www.cbcew.org.uk/election24/ where you will find information and guidance on key issues of importance to us, as Catholics, to help inform how we vote
As Catholics, we know that tackling poverty and injustice are among the most important issues politicians should act on. St Vincent de Paul Society and CAFOD have produced a guide for Catholics for the Election, with suggested questions to ask candidates. Please see cafod.org.uk/encounter or svp.org.uk/encounter for more information.
Maureen has some religious artefacts and books in boxes in the Narthex that she is no longer in need of. Please help yourself - all donations for HCPT will be gratefully accepted.
Canon John would like to invite you all the Closing of Deanery Visitations Meeting which will commence with Vespers at the church of the Immaculate Conception, Bicester, OX26 1UN, followed by a meeting in the St John Paul II Centre (next door to the church) on Thursday, 27th June at 7pm. His Grace Archbishop Bernard Longley and Episcopal Vicar Canon Paul Fitzpatrick will report on the current parish visitations taking place in our Deanery.
Today is a ‘Commitment Mass’ for the young people of our parish who are currently preparing for Confirmation. We welcome our candidates together with their parents, families and friends as they make their commitment to their ongoing preparation for Confirmation later in the year. Please keep them in your prayers as they deepen the understanding of their faith and prepare for this important Sacrament.
Parish Calendar