The parish archive is the gateway to many many of the events that have taken place during the lifetime of our parish. Here you will be able to find details of First Holy Communion masses, Confirmation masses, social events and other celebrations that have taken place in our church. If there is anything that you would like to be added or something that you cannot find, please use the Contact Us form to let us know.
Archived Parish Events
Consecration Mass
A Trip to Africa!
Choral Sparks Concert
Warwick Deanery Visitation 2020
Father Sebastian's 75th birthday and Golden Jubilee as a Priest
Maureen Carroll's 90th Birthday Celebrations
First Holy Communions
Parish Spiritual Events
Parish Meals
Carol Services
Seasonal Messages
Harvest Festivals
HCPT Group 83
Millennium Fundraising
Parish Quiz Nights
Parish History
If you want to learn more about our parish then click on the menu button at the top of the page and explore our website. If you have any further questions then please contact our parish priest or website admin using the Contact Details link.