Blessed Robert Grissold Catholic Church

A Community based on Faith, Altar and the Word

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Welcome to the website of Blessed Robert Grissold Catholic Church in Balsall Common. Here you can find details of the parish, our latest newsletter, services and sacraments offered by the Church and, in our parish archive, the events we have held. As a parish we value your privacy. Please follow the link here to learn more about the privacy policy that covers all catholic churches in the Archdiocese of Birmingham,
Father Frank writes
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The Parish follows the safeguarding standards advised by The Archdiocese of Birmingham. You can view these standards by following the link here.

A link to the Archdiocese safeguarding website can be found

Safespaces is a free and independent support service, providing a confidential, personal and safe space for anyone who has been abused by someone in the Church or as a result of their relationship with the Church of England, the Catholic Church in England and Wales or the Church in Wales. If you have been affected, however long ago, Safe Spaces can provide you with support. You do not have to have told the police or the church authorities, and you do not have to still be involved with the church. Your information will not be shared without your consent unless you or someone else is in immediate danger. To contact Safespaces, please follow the link to their website here.

The Isaiah Journey The Isaiah Journey is a working group of the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales which has grown out of the need for a pastoral-spiritual response to the suffering of victims and survivors of abuse in the Church. It provides A Guide for Survivors of Abuse that can be found here.

The Safeguarding Rep for our Parish is Monica Green and she can be contacted via email at

Parish Events

Looking for the rest of the Parish Event List? We have archived the list from our old site but you can still view them here.
21.08.2016Finance Committee MeetingThere will be a meeting of the Finance Committee after Mass today
21.08.2016100 Club WinnersAugust's draw winners are: 1st: No. 56 (Rory Murtagh) - £75; 2nd: No. 11 (Kathy Jones) - £45; 3rd: No. 26 (Eileen Innes) - £30
14.08.2016Please pray forAdrian Stewart and Frank Clements, recently departed and for all those who mourn their passing. Their Requiem Masses will be held at Blessed Robert Grissold on Thursday and Friday of this week at 11.30 a.m.
14.08.2016Candle of DedicationThe dedication for this week is for Delia Murray and Diana Turner
07.08.2016Father EdA warm welcome to Father Ed O'Connell, a Columban Father, who will be presiding at the Mass today. Father Ed will also talk to us about the work he is doing with the poor in Lima, Peru. Our Parish have been helping Fr. Ed for 16 years with our Breakfasts and money from our Bottle.
07.08.2016Candle of DedicationThe dedication for this week is for Jo Nijst
07.08.2016Services this weekPlease note that there is a Eucharistic Service at 10.00am on Tuesday and normal weekday Mass service is resumed on Wednesday 10th August with Mass at 7.00pm followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and meditations until 8.00pm. There will be a 10.00am Mass on Thursday.
03.08.2016Get-togetherThis Wednesday 3 August. We are off to Harvington Hall on a coach trip. Leaving BRG at 10 o'clock sharp!
31.07.2016Fr Martin Newell CPWe look forward to welcoming Fr Martin who will celebrate Mass here next Sunday.
31.07.2016Candle of DedicationThe dedication for this week is for Jo Nijst
31.07.2016Fr Frank on holiday Please NoteWhilst Fr. Frank is away the only celebration through the week will be a Eucharistic Service at 10.00am on Tuesday. Normal service will be resumed on Wednesday 10th August with Mass, followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and meditations until 8.00pm. There will be no First Friday Mass in August
24.07.2016Candle of DedicationThe dedication for this week is for Jo Nijst
24.07.2016Consecration candlesWe would like to thank those who donated the four consecration candles put up in the church. These are in memory of the following. Bridge and Perry family, Cotterill family, McLean family, Daniel Mark Lester and Amy Pullen
24.07.2016Fr Frank on holidayFather Frank is on holiday this week. There will be a Eucharistic Service at 10.00am on Tuesdays while he is away. There will be no Mass with the Anointing of the Sick in July and no First Friday Mass in August.
24.07.2016Baptism of Eve Elizabeth RyderWe pray for Eve and for her family, godparents and friends as they gather, after Mass today, for her Baptism.CAFOD Collection
24.07.2016CAFOD CollectionThank you so much for the generous CAFOD donations collected in the last two weeks. An exceptional total of £382 was raised and that is without the Gift Aid extra reimbursement which will make the final total well in excess of £400. Thank you especially to all who took the time to fill in their details
17.07.2016Candle of DedicationThe dedication for this week is Richard Brennan
17.07.2016Car ParkThank you to Paul Ryan for his generous donation of time and materials in repairing the gulley in the car park. If anyone would like to talk to Paul about driveways, paving or landscaping please call him on 07831 386621
12.07.2016Mass time change for this weekPlease note that this week's Tuesday Mass is earlier than usual and will be at 9.30 am to allow Fr Frank to attend the monthly Deanery Meeting of clergy
10.07.2016Candle of DedicationThe dedication for this week is Francis Clements
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There will be a meeting of the Finance Committee after Mass today
August's draw winners are: 1st: No. 56 (Rory Murtagh) - £75; 2nd: No. 11 (Kathy Jones) - £45; 3rd: No. 26 (Eileen Innes) - £30
Adrian Stewart and Frank Clements, recently departed and for all those who mourn their passing. Their Requiem Masses will be held at Blessed Robert Grissold on Thursday and Friday of this week at 11.30 a.m.
The dedication for this week is for Delia Murray and Diana Turner
A warm welcome to Father Ed O'Connell, a Columban Father, who will be presiding at the Mass today. Father Ed will also talk to us about the work he is doing with the poor in Lima, Peru. Our Parish have been helping Fr. Ed for 16 years with our Breakfasts and money from our Bottle.
The dedication for this week is for Jo Nijst
Please note that there is a Eucharistic Service at 10.00am on Tuesday and normal weekday Mass service is resumed on Wednesday 10th August with Mass at 7.00pm followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and meditations until 8.00pm. There will be a 10.00am Mass on Thursday.
This Wednesday 3 August. We are off to Harvington Hall on a coach trip. Leaving BRG at 10 o'clock sharp!
We look forward to welcoming Fr Martin who will celebrate Mass here next Sunday.
The dedication for this week is for Jo Nijst
Whilst Fr. Frank is away the only celebration through the week will be a Eucharistic Service at 10.00am on Tuesday. Normal service will be resumed on Wednesday 10th August with Mass, followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and meditations until 8.00pm. There will be no First Friday Mass in August
The dedication for this week is for Jo Nijst
We would like to thank those who donated the four consecration candles put up in the church. These are in memory of the following. Bridge and Perry family, Cotterill family, McLean family, Daniel Mark Lester and Amy Pullen
Father Frank is on holiday this week. There will be a Eucharistic Service at 10.00am on Tuesdays while he is away. There will be no Mass with the Anointing of the Sick in July and no First Friday Mass in August.
We pray for Eve and for her family, godparents and friends as they gather, after Mass today, for her Baptism.CAFOD Collection
Thank you so much for the generous CAFOD donations collected in the last two weeks. An exceptional total of £382 was raised and that is without the Gift Aid extra reimbursement which will make the final total well in excess of £400. Thank you especially to all who took the time to fill in their details
The dedication for this week is Richard Brennan
Thank you to Paul Ryan for his generous donation of time and materials in repairing the gulley in the car park. If anyone would like to talk to Paul about driveways, paving or landscaping please call him on 07831 386621
Please note that this week's Tuesday Mass is earlier than usual and will be at 9.30 am to allow Fr Frank to attend the monthly Deanery Meeting of clergy
The dedication for this week is Francis Clements
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Parish Calendar

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