Blessed Robert Grissold Catholic Church

A Community based on Faith, Altar and the Word

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Welcome to the website of Blessed Robert Grissold Catholic Church in Balsall Common. Here you can find details of the parish, our latest newsletter, services and sacraments offered by the Church and, in our parish archive, the events we have held. As a parish we value your privacy. Please follow the link here to learn more about the privacy policy that covers all catholic churches in the Archdiocese of Birmingham,
Father Frank writes
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After the miraculous catch of fish, which we hear about in the Gospel today, Peter realised, as never before, his own sinfulness and the holiness of Jesus. He asked Jesus to depart from him but Christ showed him that his sins and weaknesses would not prevent him from sharing in his work. While our sinfulness humbles us we should not let it get us down or make us feel that we do not belong to the company of Christ. Christ came to “call sinners.” He is known as the “friend of sinners” - he comes to help us to overcome our sins. That is why, with confidence, we can come before him in the Mass to confess our sins.
The Parish follows the safeguarding standards advised by The Archdiocese of Birmingham. You can view these standards by following the link here.

A link to the Archdiocese safeguarding website can be found

Safespaces is a free and independent support service, providing a confidential, personal and safe space for anyone who has been abused by someone in the Church or as a result of their relationship with the Church of England, the Catholic Church in England and Wales or the Church in Wales. If you have been affected, however long ago, Safe Spaces can provide you with support. You do not have to have told the police or the church authorities, and you do not have to still be involved with the church. Your information will not be shared without your consent unless you or someone else is in immediate danger. To contact Safespaces, please follow the link to their website here.

The Isaiah Journey The Isaiah Journey is a working group of the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales which has grown out of the need for a pastoral-spiritual response to the suffering of victims and survivors of abuse in the Church. It provides A Guide for Survivors of Abuse that can be found here.

The Safeguarding Rep for our Parish is Monica Green and she can be contacted via email at

Parish Events

Looking for the rest of the Parish Event List? We have archived the list from our old site but you can still view them here.
24.05.2025Diocesan Pilgrimage to LourdesEvery year, hundreds of pilgrims from across the Archdiocese of Birmingham join together for the Lourdes Pilgrimage. 2025 is the Year of Jubilee and Archbishop Bernard invites you to come with us on this very special occasion in the life of the archdiocese: “It’s a great experience to be together with upwards of 700 fellow pilgrims.” The pilgrimage dates have been announced: Saturday 24 – Friday 30 May 2025, and you can now express your interest in a place or get more information by visiting
10.03.2025Escorted Tour to Westport, Knock and County MayoDeparting 10th March 2025. £799.00 pps – price includes flight, 10kg hold luggage, 4 nights in 4* Castlecourt Hotel, Westport with dinner, bed & breakfast. Lunch on three days. All entertainment, excursions and transport included. Visit Knock, Galway City, Kylemore Abbey, Croagh Patrick, Ballintubber Abbey, Quiet Man Museum. Single supplement on enquiry. Contact 01268 762 278 or 07740 175557 or email
08.03.2025Churches Together Lenten Talks 2025Saturdays during Lent from 8:45-10am, with refreshments. Venue: Methodist Church, Station Road. This year’s subject is the Council of Nicaea. All welcome. Dates and organisers: 8th March (Methodist Church), 15th March (St Peters), 22nd March (St Marys Temple Balsall), 29th March (St John the Baptist Berkswell), Saturday 5th April (Blessed Robert Grissold). Donations welcome.
12.02.2025Coffee MorningThe next parish coffee morning will take place at 10.30 am this Wed 12th February, in the Parish Room. Join us for tea, coffee, scones, cakes and good conversation in abundance! All welcome.
11.02.2025Weekday massesWeekday mass: this week at Blessed Robert Grissold at 7pm. Memorial of Our Lady of Lourdes. Intention: Eva Nicholls (RIP).
11.02.2025Parish Pastoral Council meeting There will be a Parish Pastoral Council meeting on Tuesday 11th February after the 7.00pm Mass. Please forward to Fr Frank suggested items for the agenda.
09.02.2025Baptism of Anya Grace PointerThe Baptism of Anya Grace Pointer will take place on Sunday 9th February at 1pm: Please pray for Anya, her parents, godparents, family and friends.
09.02.2025Snowdrop Sunday, today at Temple BalsallToday from 2-5pm at St. Mary’s, Temple Balsall there is an opportunity to visit the churchyard, gardens and adjoining woods abundant with wild snowdrops. Homemade teas between 2-4pm. Free entrance, donations welcome.
09.02.2025Jubilee 2025 – Pilgrims of HopeJubilee 2025 – Pilgrims of Hope: To find out more about how your parish, family or school can celebrate the Jubilee Year in our Archdiocese, and how you can participate in events nationally and internationally, visit our Diocesan website:
08.02.2025The Birmingham Lourdes HospitalitéThe Birmingham Lourdes Hospitalité: warmly invites you to a special Mass celebrating the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes on Saturday, 8th February 2025, at 4:30 pm, in St. Chad's Cathedral, Birmingham. This celebration is a wonderful opportunity to come together in prayer, honour Our Lady, and seek her intercession for the sick and their carers. Special invitation is sent to all who have served in Lourdes, and schools, students, and Pilgrims planning to join our Diocesan Pilgrimage in May 2025. Refreshments will be served after Mass. For more information, please contact
28.01.2025Tony Cotterill (RIP)Tony Cotterill (RIP), who many parishioners will remember from his attending BRG for many years, passed away just after Christmas. His funeral Mass will be on Tuesday 28th January at 11am at Christ the King in Coventry, and afterwards at the Church Social Club next door. Please remember Tony and his family and friends in your prayers
26.01.2025Recently deceasedRecently deceased - Isabel Cusack, parishioner of St George & St Teresa.
26.01.2025First Holy CommunionAny parents with children aged 7 or above wishing to make their First Holy Communion should contact either Father Frank, Chris Mitchell or Eileen Selby.
26.01.2025Father HudsonsFather Hudsons have asked us to pass on their thanks for the many gifts (over 50) that were donated via the Christmas Giving Tree and which were distributed to those less fortunate than ourselves.
26.01.2025Friends of the Holy LandFriends of the Holy Land: Thank you for all who donated to the collection at the Carol Service to the Friends of the Holy Land. The amount collected for this charity was £82.
21.01.2025Requiem MassRequiem Mass will be held for Martin Sheehy (RIP) this Tuesday 21st January at 10.45am. Please keep Martin, his family and friends in your prayers.
19.01.2025Churches Together Service for Christian UnityA service of prayer for Christian Unity is to be held at St Mary the Virgin Church, Temple Balsall on Sunday 19th January at 4pm. All are welcome.
18.01.2025Week of Prayer for Christian UnityThe week of prayer is traditionally observed from the 18- 25 January – the octave of St. Peter and St. Paul. At the heart of our reflections for this year’s Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is the question posed by Jesus to Martha: ‘Do you believe this?’ (John 11:26). Please visit for resources and prayers for this week of prayer.
15.01.2025Parish OfficeSara’s normal parish office hours (Wednesdays 10.30am – 2.30pm) will resume from Wednesday 15th January.
12.01.2025ChoirChoir practice after mass starts again today. If anyone is interested in joining the choir, please speak to Ian Clarke – no previous choir experience is necessary.
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Every year, hundreds of pilgrims from across the Archdiocese of Birmingham join together for the Lourdes Pilgrimage. 2025 is the Year of Jubilee and Archbishop Bernard invites you to come with us on this very special occasion in the life of the archdiocese: “It’s a great experience to be together with upwards of 700 fellow pilgrims.” The pilgrimage dates have been announced: Saturday 24 – Friday 30 May 2025, and you can now express your interest in a place or get more information by visiting
Departing 10th March 2025. £799.00 pps – price includes flight, 10kg hold luggage, 4 nights in 4* Castlecourt Hotel, Westport with dinner, bed & breakfast. Lunch on three days. All entertainment, excursions and transport included. Visit Knock, Galway City, Kylemore Abbey, Croagh Patrick, Ballintubber Abbey, Quiet Man Museum. Single supplement on enquiry. Contact 01268 762 278 or 07740 175557 or email
Saturdays during Lent from 8:45-10am, with refreshments. Venue: Methodist Church, Station Road. This year’s subject is the Council of Nicaea. All welcome. Dates and organisers: 8th March (Methodist Church), 15th March (St Peters), 22nd March (St Marys Temple Balsall), 29th March (St John the Baptist Berkswell), Saturday 5th April (Blessed Robert Grissold). Donations welcome.
The next parish coffee morning will take place at 10.30 am this Wed 12th February, in the Parish Room. Join us for tea, coffee, scones, cakes and good conversation in abundance! All welcome.
Weekday mass: this week at Blessed Robert Grissold at 7pm. Memorial of Our Lady of Lourdes. Intention: Eva Nicholls (RIP).
There will be a Parish Pastoral Council meeting on Tuesday 11th February after the 7.00pm Mass. Please forward to Fr Frank suggested items for the agenda.
The Baptism of Anya Grace Pointer will take place on Sunday 9th February at 1pm: Please pray for Anya, her parents, godparents, family and friends.
Today from 2-5pm at St. Mary’s, Temple Balsall there is an opportunity to visit the churchyard, gardens and adjoining woods abundant with wild snowdrops. Homemade teas between 2-4pm. Free entrance, donations welcome.
Jubilee 2025 – Pilgrims of Hope: To find out more about how your parish, family or school can celebrate the Jubilee Year in our Archdiocese, and how you can participate in events nationally and internationally, visit our Diocesan website:
The Birmingham Lourdes Hospitalité: warmly invites you to a special Mass celebrating the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes on Saturday, 8th February 2025, at 4:30 pm, in St. Chad's Cathedral, Birmingham. This celebration is a wonderful opportunity to come together in prayer, honour Our Lady, and seek her intercession for the sick and their carers. Special invitation is sent to all who have served in Lourdes, and schools, students, and Pilgrims planning to join our Diocesan Pilgrimage in May 2025. Refreshments will be served after Mass. For more information, please contact
Tony Cotterill (RIP), who many parishioners will remember from his attending BRG for many years, passed away just after Christmas. His funeral Mass will be on Tuesday 28th January at 11am at Christ the King in Coventry, and afterwards at the Church Social Club next door. Please remember Tony and his family and friends in your prayers
Recently deceased - Isabel Cusack, parishioner of St George & St Teresa.
Any parents with children aged 7 or above wishing to make their First Holy Communion should contact either Father Frank, Chris Mitchell or Eileen Selby.
Father Hudsons have asked us to pass on their thanks for the many gifts (over 50) that were donated via the Christmas Giving Tree and which were distributed to those less fortunate than ourselves.
Friends of the Holy Land: Thank you for all who donated to the collection at the Carol Service to the Friends of the Holy Land. The amount collected for this charity was £82.
Requiem Mass will be held for Martin Sheehy (RIP) this Tuesday 21st January at 10.45am. Please keep Martin, his family and friends in your prayers.
A service of prayer for Christian Unity is to be held at St Mary the Virgin Church, Temple Balsall on Sunday 19th January at 4pm. All are welcome.
The week of prayer is traditionally observed from the 18- 25 January – the octave of St. Peter and St. Paul. At the heart of our reflections for this year’s Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is the question posed by Jesus to Martha: ‘Do you believe this?’ (John 11:26). Please visit for resources and prayers for this week of prayer.
Sara’s normal parish office hours (Wednesdays 10.30am – 2.30pm) will resume from Wednesday 15th January.
Choir practice after mass starts again today. If anyone is interested in joining the choir, please speak to Ian Clarke – no previous choir experience is necessary.
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Parish Calendar

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